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DRS beats SAR 75-43 to win third place

Updated: Sep 2, 2019

DRS used a 25-6 third quarter to break free from the Sting. Using a well-balanced attack and a strong transition game, Gavriel Kahn, AJ Bennet, and Zack Brown all contributed to a huge Wildcat second half. Senior Alex Lyons also made a nice impact for DRS.

Both coaches used this consolation match as an opportunity to play their entire bench. Jordan Hammerman, Josh Morris, and Jason Zucker saw a lot of minutes in this one. The game was tight at halftime, with SAR down just 29-23.

DRS broke free in the third, finishing the quarter with a 54-29 lead. The fourth quarter was more of the same, and the Wildcats put the finishing touches on a 75-43 victory.

Because of the win, the Wildcats finish in third place and SAR finish in fourth at Sarachek 2019.

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